Privacy Issue or Benefit? The role of Technologists in making Smart Cities trustworthy
GOTO Berlin 2019

Thursday Oct 24
10:30 –
C 01

Privacy Issue or Benefit? The role of Technologists in making Smart Cities trustworthy

When thinking about smart cities drones, sensors, big data and cyber-physical networks come to our mind. We dream about seamless travels from work to home or our favorite restaurant where a table has already been reserved automatically according to our current moods. Long waits for buses or at the supermarket counters will be passé and we will have more time to enjoy life.

To make our urban playgrounds smart enough to fulfill this dream they will need data. A lot of it. But who is actually tracking and storing our data? Will we know? Will we even care? Or would we happily change our privacy for the benefits? And what would the expected benefits even be?

Technology alone won’t solve those questions. It will be the citizens. In the talk of Antti Partanen, Business Strategist at Futurice, you will be introduced to tools and guiding questions that will support you in finding a common language between technologists, cities and citizens. You’ll learn how starting with small, valuable projects and an experimenting culture will help you to gain trust,visualize benefits and make smart cities a working urban ecosystem of the future instead of a simulation only.

What will the audience learn from this talk?
The audience will be introduced to tools and guiding questions that will support them in finding a common language between technologists, cities and citizens. They'll learn how starting with small, valuable projects and an experimenting culture will help to gain trust,visualize benefits and make smart cities a working urban ecosystem of the future instead of a simulation only.

**Does it feature code examples and/or live coding? **

Prerequisite attendee experience level:
Level 200