Weather and Climate Data: Not Just for Meteorologists
GOTO Berlin 2019

Thursday Oct 24
10:30 –
B 09

Weather and Climate Data: Not Just for Meteorologists

Weather is part of our everyday lives. Who doesn’t check the rain radar before heading out, or the weather forecast when planning a weekend away? But where does this data come from, and what is it made of? The answer is a mix of measurements, models and statistics, meaning that the use of weather and climate data can get complex very quickly. This session provides a brief overview of the science behind weather and climate forecasts and provides you with the tools to get started with weather data - even if you aren't a meteorologist.

What will the audience learn from this talk?
You will learn where to find weather and climate data and about their data formats. How to connect weather data to other data sources, how to visualize weather and climate data, and other ways you can use weather data for yourself from examples using weather APIs, maps and machine learning in Python.

Does it feature code examples and/or live coding?

Prerequisite attendee experience level:
Level 100