What Organisations Can and Need to Learn From Software Development
GOTO Berlin 2019

Friday Oct 25
10:45 –
B 05 - B 06

What Organisations Can and Need to Learn From Software Development


The 1990s saw a surge in new ways to develop software and products, culminating in what has become widely known as the Agile Manifesto. While the body of Agile tools and frameworks keeps growing, the principle paradigm seems to hold: dealing with complexity is an iterative game, best played by a team of experts. A lot of organizations seem to understand this in the context of software development. However, they often appear to miss the complexity inherent in social systems and organizational development. Old ideas like the all-knowing manager and big bang change management prevail. But how can you actually apply Agile to organizational complexity? At idealo we have had our fair share of experiments and learnings in the adoption of Agile for organizational work and development. This talk provides examples of how we do this, e.g. by slicing organizational complexity, building feedback loops and experiments, and pairing up with other experts to deliver better quality work. The outcome being a better environment for teams to work in, so that they can deliver more value to the customer.

What will the audience learn from this talk?
You will have a better understanding of how outdated management thinking prevents companies from addressing organizational complexity appropriately, and learn about concrete examples of how Agile ways of thinking and working can be applied to build successful organizations.

Does it feature code examples and/or live coding?

Prerequisite attendee experience level:
Level 100