Friday Nov 2
15:00 –
B 09
Ethereum Fundamentals
Ethereum - past, present and future! Why is Ethereum so popular and discussed? How does it differ from Bitcoin protocol and what kind of features do we find on its roadmap? What are the most interesting intrafirm or ecosystem use-cases? What about its forks, flaws, 'hacks'? This talk will cover all crucial moments around this amazing platform. You will have a high-level understanding why it's so disruptive, which programming languages are involved, what kind of privacy models it uses, how consensus affects its performance and much more.
prerequisite attendee level: beginner
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Ethereum FundamentalsJana PetkanicFriday Nov 2 @ 15:00
Why you don't see Blockchain in your Everyday Life... yetRicardo GarciaFriday Nov 2 @ 10:50