Hacking the Internet of Things for Fun & Profit
Warning: you will throw away your connected devices after going to this talk.
The combined world of IoT has reached a state where it's actuators spread from control systems in the industry into the city you live in and the privacy of your home. Now that everything is connected, we can abuse gadgets and devices for purposes they were not originally constructed for, and turn them against their users.
We will discuss current attacks, potentially 0-days, projects and Proof of Concepts that show the Internet of Shit that inhabits the Internet of Things, by OWASP's Top 10 attacks to these devices.
During this talk we go into demonstrations that might inspire you to build a cool exploit, or radical security technology, during the conference.
Prerequisite attendee experience level: beginner
Hacking the Internet of Things for Fun & ProfitRuben van VreelandThursday Nov 16, 12:00
360 Degree View of Smart EcosystemsMichael FaitThursday Nov 16, 10:50
Health++ The Future of MedicineKaren OtteThursday Nov 16, 15:00
Welcome to the World of Tomorrow: a Practical Approach to Mixed RealityMarc PlogasSandra KriemannThursday Nov 16, 16:10
REST no more - Using Actors for the Internet of (LEGO) Trains & Raspberry PisJohan JanssenThursday Nov 16, 13:50