360 Degree View of Smart EcosystemsMichael FaitThursday Nov 16, 10:50
Hacking the Internet of Things for Fun & ProfitRuben van VreelandThursday Nov 16, 12:00
REST no more - Using Actors for the Internet of (LEGO) Trains & Raspberry PisJohan JanssenThursday Nov 16, 13:50
Health++ The Future of MedicineKaren OtteThursday Nov 16, 15:00
Welcome to the World of Tomorrow: a Practical Approach to Mixed RealityMarc PlogasSandra KriemannThursday Nov 16, 16:10
Topic Description
Track Host: Erik Dörnenburg & Preben Thorø
Smart and connected are the terms used to describe everything, from water meters and coffee machines to cities. No one is surprised that all sorts of device are now online. We control devices from our mobile phones to manage light, heating, and music. In health care devices are connected to provide aggregated data. On a large scale devices communicate with cloud-based systems, allowing for data analysis and orchestration of devices in the Internet of Things.
In this world security is more important than ever before; when everything is online and connected, security concerns and threat scenarios impact areas that up until recently were not even considered at risk.
Come to this track if you want to know more about the connected world we live in.