Programming Languages
An Overview of Java 9Angelika LangerThursday Nov 16, 10:50
WebAssembly: What and What Next?Ben TitzerAndreas RossbergThursday Nov 16, 12:00
Why is Rust Successful?Florian GilcherThursday Nov 16, 13:50
Make Web Apps Fun to Build and Easy to Refactor with ElmDaniel BachlerThursday Nov 16, 15:00
Kotlin - One Language, All Tiers: Developing Multiplatform ProjectsDmitry JemerovThursday Nov 16, 16:10
A 05 - A 06
Topic Description
Track Host: Jörg Müller
Programming languages are a topic we can be very passionate about. They can determine how we approach and solve a problem and even how we think about problems. We see new languages coming out regularly - and though many are short-lived - some stick around and become popular.
In this track we will look at trends in language development, get introduced to some new and exciting concepts and see how mainstream languages like Java are incorporating some of the concepts from the younger languages.