Architecting Enterprise Transformation
GOTO Berlin 2017

Architecting Enterprise Transformation

Wednesday Nov 15
09:00 –
A 04

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Many large enterprises are under pressure to transform their IT architecture and organization, as their business is attacked by "digital disruptors". IT architects can play a key role in such a transformation because they combine the technical, communication, and organizational skill to apply IT for the benefit of the business. Their job is not an easy one, though: they must maneuver in an organization where IT is often still seen as a cost center, where operations means "run"as opposed to "change", and where middle-management has become cozy neither understanding the business strategy nor the underlying technology.

This workshops illustrates how software or IT architects can play an active role in driving the digital transformation of a large enterprise. To do so, they need to extend their horizon beyond dealing with technology to navigate organizational politics, get management attention, work with external vendors, and pick the right battles. The examples and anecdotes originate from the presenter's experience as Chief Architect in a large financial services organization that is undergoing a massive IT transformation.