We're Proud to Present These Amazing Speakers
Masterclass with...

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"
Keynote Speaker

Anita Sengupta
Rocket scientist and expert on the future of transportation; responsible for the landing of the Mars Curiosity Rover
Masterclass with...

Daniel Terhorst-North
Originator of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) & Principal at Dan North & Associates

Florian Gilcher
Founder of Ferrous Systems, Music Addict, Rubyist, Rust Trainer & Backend Programmer
Masterclass with...

Gregor Hohpe
AWS Senior Principal Evangelist
Masterclass with...

Michael Feathers
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Masterclass with...

Phil Winder
CEO of Winder.AI, author of "Reinforcement Learning"
Masterclass with...

Sam Newman
The Microservices Expert. Author of "Building Microservices" & "Monolith to Microservices"
Masterclass with...

Sebastian Cogno
Director R&D at Container Solutions Switzerland
For further questions regarding speakers